TODO: To fill in later, future, sometime other than now, not the present. PRESENTS!! Presenting, the story!
(EMILE) Police procedural, spate of missing people, private investigator searching for a missing girl clashes with local detectives, then bodies start turning up drained of blood.
Sci-fi horror with vampires!
With some desert scenes thrown in
Police detectives examine body with crazy coroner who says victims might have been fed on by vampires; detectives give him the side eye.
(RICK) Ohh and of course you have some people that would think it's chupacabre.
(EMILE) Yes! Conspiracies go crazy. Vampires in SoCal?! whaat?
So the beginning premise is there are vampires living among us. They've generally fed on the transients and people with no families.
They dispose of the bodies so the victims become permanently missing people, cold cases and dead ends.
Over worked cops don't bother and just close the paperwork fast so they can go home and play with their kids. Decades go by like that
Something happens to upset the equilibrium.
He is just a regular joe with no prior knowledge of vampires or any supernatural creatures
he is a private investigator, a former cop
so he works outside the bureaucracy
Im catching detective noir vibes
He plies the society's seedy underbelly.
He gets involved from the beginning, he is searching for a missing girl, a runaway
Early teens like 14, 15ish, minor
(DAVID) the PI you're describing kind of reminds me of that special agent from Colorado in Fire in the Sky.
(EMILE)overworked middle class parents. Big house and luxery car don't pay for themselves, she falls into the wrong crowd(paraphrased notes)
She turned into a vampire in that wrong crowd
She's a plot device to introduce our lead to what a vampire is within the context of the story.
Imagine you're a hard-scrubbed private investigator on a routine missing persons case and just when you find the person, they turn out to be a vampire.
That will pretty much make you question your current world view, wouldn't it?
He grabs her to take her home to her parents but she breaks free and despite her diminutive size is considerably stronger than him.
She tosses him aside like yesturdays papers and flees.
(RICK)This brings internal tension to the pi while also bringing external tension between the pi and the girls family while also fueling his curiosity to get her and cant believe he got overwhelmed by such a small girl.
(DAVID)The chupacabre could be a subtle hint to the vampires! Because the chupacabre is kind of an in between aliens and vampires. Since I was a kid on the spanish news stations my mom would watch there was always chupacabre stories and they were often portrayed like this(INSERT PHOTO SOMETIME LATER)
Chupacabre literally translates to "goat sucker" so it's kind of like a vampire
(EMILE)He tries to take her in and sees she has fangs
(RICK)I see, so the wrong crowd gets her into the vampires and farm as one of them. Cat and mouse to the middle?
(EMILE)But that not enough evidence of being a vampire
(RICK)Yea, fangs are very tiny circumstantial
(EMILE)He grabs her to take her home to her parents but she breaks free and despite her diminutive size is considerably stronger than him
(RICK)No way to bring her in, but how does he hide he found her? If he can't bring her in and she won't willingly go back to family as a vampire right?
(EMILE)She tosses him aside like yesterday's papers and flees
(RICK)This brings internal tension to the pi while also bringing external tension between the pi and the girls family while also fueling his curiosity to get her and can't believe he got overwhelmed by such a small girl
(EMILE)You get dual dramatic tension right at the beginning
(RICK)Hmmm, easily a case where he gets a call about a farm animal drained. Is there an unknown to the audience alien race that might also be draining livestock? To confuse him from his chase for the girl
(EMILE)Like David said, a vampire hive out in the desert
So now we have a reason to shoot in the desert
So our A story is the PI
(RICK)But is that vampire hive the same farm or another race adding different dynamics throwing scents off accidently not intentionally.
(EMILE)Our B or possibly C story could be a small town sheriff answering to reports on cattle mutilations. We don't know yet. It's a third act placeholder for now
(RICK)But cat and mouse alone with the girl would be static and not dynamic, so b or c story would need to add dynamics until the a story suddenly jumps back in?
(EMILE)We can make up a fictitious mine out in Ridgecrest
Shoot exteriors there and then build a set somewhere else
Preferably a real mine
For verisimilitude
Let's make this as real world as possible
That'll make the vampire angle more authentic
(DAVID)The fact that the mines are illegal to trespass on will work great for the story!
Maybe the local government knows there have been disappearances in those mines and that's why they made them illegal.
Also it's like, no one is supposed to be in those mines so that works for the cat and mouse plot because those illegal mines would be the last place anyone would think to look.
(EMILE)Haha, now we get the shady government involvement!
They've known this all along and have kept quiet all this time, just watching and listening
Like Keyes and his cronies in Predator 2!
(EMILE)We need to create a shady government agency
An off the books org funded by slush funds from questionable transactions
I believe this is your wheelhouse Rick
(RICK)That article talks about peurto Rico, the irs is also out of peurto Rico, we can always hide a slush funded agency out of peurto rico
(EMILE)We've laid the first foundation stone to our world building
What is the nature of the shadow agency?
(EMILE)They track and observe supernatural occurrences as well as develop countermeasures should the occurrences prove hostile
(DAVID)They work on a secret, off the books government program called "Project V" the government has already learned a lot from found UFO crafts and advanced technology through research at Area 51 BUT an even deeper secret is they are researching vampires.
Sure the secret government organization and secret private companies have learned and are still learning about advanced technology to make weapons and aircraft but what in addition to being more technically advanced than your enemy, you also had the advantage of your soldiers being immortal?
They can be researching vampires to either capture and test them and learn the secrets of immortality
And this organization knows of the popularity of aliens and ufo encounters so it helps feed into conspiracies that would throw the public off from the actual more terrifying truth.
(RICK)I am thinking basing is off darpa or iarpa
(DAVID)To add to what Emile said they'll can also work as an MIB type organization but for paranormal entities
*Paranormal and Cryptozoology entities
(EMILE)Yes, definitely base it off darpa and iarpa
(DAVID)Also, going with the MIB / DARPA/ IARPA organization but for Paranormal & Cryptozoology angle. We could easily make sequels about other paranormal & cryptozoology cases this organization is working on.
Like the PI character discovering this case with the vampires in the desert is only the beginning. He makes it his mission to expose what this organization is doing or taking part in against average citizens.
(RICK)Carpa, cryptozoology advanced research projects agency.
"CARPA, since world war 2, carpa has been at the center for defense research into cryptozoology and paranormal investigations, our mission is to make pivotal breakthroughs into the supernatural and how we can apply that to the American soldier. Through perseverance we can take the unknown to known to advance our defense to protect us from foreign enemies both on planet, off planet, and interdimensional." --a thought start on mission of agency
(DAVID)Perhaps just "Cryptic Advanced Research Projects Agency" You ever see the Ancient Aliens episode where they talk about aliens and the nazis? And how on YouTube and other crazy documentaries there's all these fringe conspiracies of nazis and zombies, or werewolves other other paranormal, extraterrestrial, or cryptic connections? What if in our story all that paranormal stuff with the nazis was real and through Operation Paperclip the US learned of it and continued these fringe projects and research?
(RICK)They did with the bell ufo, many others too, so it is way believable that they would have carried on with a lot of fringe science research.
A lot of that research actually started in the 20s USA, Nazis went balls to the wall with it.
(EMILE)I like the ancient aliens angle with our story
All the alien stuff resides in ancient texts and archeological evidence
Carpa observes and collates data. We'll keep Carpa mysterious but powerful. Like the Umbrella Corporation but far less intrusive
(DAVID)They observe and collates data on how vampires behavior like how they feed, multiply their numbers and how they (CARPA) can replicate these abilities.
So they know all along the vampires are killing the people in this town/city but aren't trying to stop it because they are researching the vampires
And maybe even... interfere with our protagonist PI because they need it to continue
Like all this CARPA talk this is all world building. We don't need to explain the whole organization in the first movie.
We can pace it out amongst possible sequels to keep the audience coming back for more